Responsible for the treatment

The responsible for the treatment of the data collected is Trison Necsum, S.L. with NIF B95962171 ( from now on, Necsum) and address at Avenida de Ribera de Axpe 11, Portal D1, 106, 48950 Erandio (Bizkaia) owner of the Web Site

The present Privacy Policy regulates the collection and treatment of the personal data provided by the Users, when they access, navigate or make use of the functionalities of the Website.

Data collection, purposes, basis of legitimacy and conservation periods:

  1. Contact: The User may contact, through the form established for this purpose on the Website, as well as by the means provided. You must provide your identification data, as well as the reason, subject or question. Necsum will use these data to process the query and contact the User.
    The legal basis for the processing of such data is based on the consent of the User.
    The retention period of the data for this purpose will be one year, unless other periods are applicable
  2. Cookies: The Web Site has technology for the implantation of files called cookies in the equipment used to access and browse the Web Site. Cookies can be blocked or disabled at any time through the browser settings. For more information you can consult our cookies policy.
    The legal basis for the processing of such data is based on the consent of the User.Ejercicio de derechos

Exercise of rights

In addition, the User can revoke the consent for the treatment, exercising the rights of access, rectification, suppression, portability, opposition and limitation to the treatment, putting it in knowledge of Necsum through an email addressed to or indicating it to the address indicated above, indicating as subject “Data Protection”. On special occasions, we may ask the User to prove his/her identity by means of an official document, for example to prevent access to his/her data by third parties. Finally, the User will be able to communicate any modification in writing or to request the cancellation, indicating it in any of the provided addresses. At any time, the User may file a complaint with the Spanish Data Protection Agency to assert their rights.

Modification of the Privacy Policy

Necsum reserves the right to modify at any time its privacy policy, respecting the current legislation on data protection and after due communication to the interested parties.

Language applicable to this privacy policy

The language applicable to this Privacy Policy is Spanish. Any version of the same in a different language is offered for the convenience of the User and to facilitate its understanding. However, this Privacy Policy will always be governed by its Spanish version.

In case of contradiction between the Privacy Policy in any language and its Spanish version, the Spanish version shall take precedence.